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June 16, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 16, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:05pm.  

PUBLIC HEARING – Discretionary Preservation Easement- Map 10, Lot 10 (Schreier)
PRESENT: Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schreier and Mr. & Mrs. Bartlett

Selectman DeBold opened the public hearing at 7:30pm. Selectman DeBold informed the Schreier’s that the Board has accepted their application for easement.  Selectman DeBold continued further by explaining the research that has been done by the Board of Selectmen and the information that was gathered to assist the Board in developing a comprehensive set of guidelines.   Review of RSA 79-D was give.  The applicants were not fully aware of the extent of the statute and the penalty phase was discussed at length.  Mr. Schreier commented that their intent in pursuing this was to keep historical properties around.  After discussing what the tax relief would be versus the potential penalties, the Schreier’s were not sure they would proceed and enter into the easement.  The Selectmen will go ahead and complete the review process and determine the percentage for the exemption.  After which time the Town will notify the Schreier’s of its decision and the easement agreement will then be drafted if the Schreier’s wish to continue.

 Chairman Colbert asked the Bartlett’s if they had any comments or questions.  Mr. Bartlett answered that he had come to the meeting thinking the meeting was about easements for your property, such as a conservation easement.  Discussion took place regarding his options for his property, which lies in both Pittsfield and Chichester.  Lisa gave the Bartlett’s applications and statue information and a contact for the Conservation Commission.

Chairman Colbert closed the public hearing at 8:30pm.

Present: Ben Brown, Chairman Chichester School Board

Mr. Brown stopped in to share the results of the SAU Fuel Bid with the Board of Selectmen.  The SAU received a response from three bidders.  The SAU wishes to accept the bid from Fred Fuller Co. Questions were raised as to the possibility of increasing the amount of gallons proposed and what the term of the contract would be.  The Board asked Lisa to inquire with the Library to see if they would be interested in being included at this price.  Lisa will contact the SAU for answers and inquire with the Library Trustees for their interest.  Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman MacCleery to accept the fuel bid by the SAU for Fred Fuller Company.  All were in favor.

The SAU bid contained fuel oil only.  The Board directed Lisa to send out a bid for propane.  


The signage at the Hess Station has been measured. A discussion of what was considered signage was held. Selectman DeBold will calculate his findings for next weeks meeting.  

Selectman DeBold informed the Board that the meeting for the conservation wetlands committee has been postponed.  

Lisa informed the Board that the Road Agent is on vacation this week.

The Board reviewed the Request for Proposal for the unknown lots.  Lisa will revise for next week.

The Board asked Lisa to send a memo to the Planning Board secretary requesting the Selectmen’s Office receives the following documents on a monthly basis: draft minutes, approved minutes, notices of decision, and any stipulations or conditions placed on a property before final approval.  This is an effort to keep the Selectmen’s Office informed on a more timely basis, as the inquires for planning information continue to increase during business hours.  

The minutes of June 8, 2004 were approved as written.

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:45pm.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN

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